7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Village Life | Drawbacks & Benefits of Village Life

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7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Village Life | Drawbacks & Benefits of Village Life

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7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Village Life | Drawbacks & Benefits of Village Life

7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Village Life | Drawbacks & Benefits of Village Life

Life in a village is something very peculiar as it casts off the inhibitions of the town, to form a more natural lifestyle full of vitality. Villages are often surrounded by expanses of green fields and mountains and can be a welcome break from the noise and busyness of city life as life in them is slower and more relaxed. 


The natural world is all around village life, much of daily life keeping to the natural cadence. Natural rhythms in villages include farming, gardening and animal husbandry. This makes for a tight knit type community as neighbors are always helping each other and sharing tasks, something hard to come by in the bigger cities.


Village life is incomplete without cultural traditions and festivals which are followed generation after generation and celebrated with immense pride. Modern conveniences might be sparse, but the strong ties to the land and community, as well as a come back to being self-sustained allow for an altogether more grounded quality of life in villages that many people who embrace simplicity and tradition will find valuable and fulfilling.


Before you decide where to live and how to adapt there, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of village life is necessary. Although village life can provide tranquility, a sense of community and a closeness to nature, it also comes along with its difficulties such as being far from services and opportunities for work. Understanding both allows you to look deeper into your own wants and dreams (should you even have them) so you can make a decision based on what is better for both one career and personal well-being, regarding development and satisfaction in life.



So we will talk about some 7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Village Life | Drawbacks & Benefits of Village Life, I will be writing DA#1. In this article, you will learn 7 benefits and drawbacks of village life…and their origins….

Let's get started,


Advantages of Village Life

1. Life In Nature


Living in a village, you get to live life peacefully with the calming effect of actual natural life away from the hustle and bustle urban area offers. Villagers live an undisturbed life away from the hustle of city, among more nature, and less pollution. 


Zoe Wittering on how the slower pace of life takes the stress away, enabling people to chill out and become more in tune with their surroundings. This serene ambience enhances mental health, and provides a relief from the maddening city life.



2. Closer Community Ties


As many villages, are usually closer knit. There is strong community feel as people live close to one another and socialize often. 


This village life fosters community in a way that makes it more likely than not that villagers will come to each other's aid when they hit hard times. 


By focusing on the collective well-being, relationships are deepened and trust is fostered enabling individuals to feel more connected and integrated with their community.

3. The resoundingly beautiful figure of nature


Village life resonates with an infinite connection to the scale of green fields, forests and rivers. This closeness promotes a healthier, more outdoor lifestyle whether it be farming and gardening or just taking in the natural scenery. 


There is an abundance of fresh air and outdoor space contributes to good physical health and well being, something that the villagers enjoy in comparison to the concrete buildings and houses taking over the urban areas.



4. Less Cost of Living


The cost of fear in the villages or little fears according to Greater then the city. This can help low income families with costs of housing, food and other necessities. 


Because local food is fresher, and usually cheaper you will also not need as much variation in your diet or feel the same pressure to spend on other luxury items or services. 


A cheaper way of life that enables most people to be able to save money and strip back down to the bones of what they actually need for survival instead of drowning under all the costs that city living brings with it.

5. Village life


Village life is for good health because you get fresh, organic food and physical activity*(-) in things village people are better:- (positive points). 


Village residents consume very little processed food since they usually grow some portion of the food themselves, or purchase it from neighboring residents. 


Farm​ing, gar​den​ing, or walk​ing long dis​tances are all nor​mal ac­tiv­i­ties for liveli​hoods and peo​​ple do in most day-to-day life. Eating fresh foods, breathing clean air and staying on the move automatically leads to good health.



6. The low-pace life 


In the village you can keep away from deadlines, traffic jams and the countless pressure of the city areas. 


Without always chasing competition, without competing to social markers and work environments 20 hours daily (sometimes can mean from the early morning till night) this helps person will live more freely focus on what he/she really loves. 


This lower-stress climate supports mental health and a life that integrates family, community, and personal development.



7. Village communities


Many of the villages are highly linked with their customs and traditions which have been inherited from generation to another. 


These values promote respect, hospitality and community care, reflecting many of the characteristics that can bring about a more respectful and sustainable way of life. 


The other advantage of living in a village is that you are never disconnected from your culture, with practice of tradition and local customs being celebrated in regular basis helps an individual to understand his identity and realize the true essence of belongingness.





Disadvantages of Village Life


1. Under-informed healthcare


Rural village life disadvantages takes the cake when no care at all is omnipresent through non-availability of means to access medical care right next door. 


There is little specialized medical care, no hospitals and such places are far away, which can be detrimental to those with chronic health conditions as well as in emergency situations. 


Without modern healthcare infrastructure, villagers could experience a wait for treatment that would have to be dangerously long in case of severe illness or in an elderly person.

2. Scarce Job Opportunities limited to agriculture or small scale businesses


The villages have scarce job opportunities compared to the cities. The only outdoors of village people are farming and local businesses. 


Limited fields of employment can lead to truncated career growth and earning potential, which has in turn caused quite a few youth to be migrants in search for better job opportunities in the urban milieu. 


This leads to financial difficulties and hinders economic growth for the rest of those who stay behind.



3. 6-Limited Educational Facilities 


While currently there are more schools in villages however their quality is generally low quality, due to lack of training and poor facilities. 


The opportunities to pursue higher education in general are few and far between: students from the village have to travel over large distances for being able to study at an advanced level. 


If it goes unaddressed, this educational barrier would hamper the academic and career progression of students residing in rural area who have to attend schools with limited resources that are notably inferior to urban schools.

4. Inadequate Infrastructure


Many villages are far from roads, electricity and safe water. These create further challenges to daily existence and impede in other areas such as communication, transportation and general well-being. 


Poor infrastructure, while also stalling economic growth and development, isolates more remote villages from necessary services as well as the world at large.



5. Distance From The Cities 


If you are living in a village then you have to be by a distance from the cities and that can make you feel isolated. 


However, there can be restricted access to entertainment, shopping centers and cultural activities as cities are hours or even days away and traveling is time-consuming and expensive. 


That same isolation can have people in the village feeling cut off and isolated from what younger generations seek out — youth, action and opportunity available in the cities.



6. Lack of Technology


The technology infrastructure in villages is often less developed, causing a connecting issue and unsupport to the advanced tools and devices. 


And this digital divide leads to unequal access to information, online education and employment opportunities based on technology. 


With the advancing technological world, villagers may be left behind and find itdifficult to become a part of the modern economic and social activities.



7. Dullness


Slower pace of life and lack of entertainment-based attractions in village can make the lifestyle dull for some. 


Life in a village would maybe seem monotonous or dull, given the limited activities, social occasions and for the people who like more of an urban flavour to life with its myriad options in terms of career. 




This disengagement can add to the sense of being blighted, specifically in youngsters aiming for personal or professional development.

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